Monday 16 May 2016

POST 16: Elephant, a Gus Van Sant movie (2003)

1) What struck you most in the film?

I think the scene that most stroke me because of his power was the scene when Eric finds Mr. Luce the high school director in the corridor. Mr. Luce begs for his life and Eric decided (at first appearance) to let him alive and as a condition, to help and support people that suffer bullying from the others and not let them being bullied (like he did with Alex and Eric). This is the first and last sign of humanity from the killers of the whole movie.

2) What also impressed you?

The fact that the two boys found and bought guns so easily in the web and even more the fact that in less than one day, they had the guns at home, without even requiring an identification, impressed me a lot.
Without the shadow of a doubt even if the scenes showing the finding and purchase of the weapons were very short, the director was very accurate and wanted to show with these precise few short scenes the fact that in the USA you can get a gun in a very limited time. It was like a visual metaphor to show the easiness with which you can be armed.

3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting?

I found particularly upsetting the character of Eric (except in a few moments). I think he is a cliché character, he plays violent videogames, he watches videos of the nazis,etc. He is a brainwashed guy, feeling no culpability because of his murders. He tries to be funny when it's not the moment (in the cafeteria). He is not the contrary of Alex but Gus Van Sant used other techniques to represent him. The viewer tries to understand Alex whereas with Eric the viewer just see him as a bad and "silly" boy. Another interesting and upset thing is that he is a coward, he is not able to kill looking to the face of his victims (even when he plays videogames).

4) What did you find very disturbing?

What stroke me most in the film was the fact that obviously the viewer tries more to emotionally understand Alex, the first killer, first of all because he is the one who shows a more sensitive side (we see him being bullied, we see him playing a Beethoven's sonata,etc.) however, the viewer is always trying to see a sigh of humanity, of goodness, but s/he never finds it. He seems to be sensitive when he actually is a remorseless person. 

5) What was most shocking?

The most shocking was the scene in the shower with Alex and Eric. Is the first and last time the viewer sees emotions in this two boys. The scene is shoking because they'd just watched a Hitler's documentary and they'd just unbox the guns. This scene also shocks regarding to the rest of the film because they are going to murder a lot of people in cold blood.  

6) What does the film suggest about the two school shooters?

I think the film suggest and present them as an example of barbarism. Because the public does not understand their position so we can't empathize with them. And obviously because they are murdering people and that is harsh, impossible for the viewers to understand it. The fact that they kill randomly, for instance with the girl in the library, makes the viewer more mixed-up and unable to remember that this two boys do this to take revenge for the years of bullying. Basically, I mean that the viewer see this as unjustificable even if they suffered bullying.

7) What's more, what does the film director make clear about the two killers?

The filmdirector wanted to highlight the fact that the two killers are very different one from the other. One (Eric) is the perfect example of violent fool guy despised by viewer. However Alex has the benefit of the doubt, is he sensitive? Has he suffered? etc. But all along the movie, we perceive the inhumanity of both of them. The director also made clear (atleast for Alex) signs of mental illness. 

8) What kind of approach to the school shooting itself did Gus Van Sant opt for?

First of, Gus Van Sant did a very poetic but also realistic approach of the school shooting. The figure of Benny is very poetic he is like a real angel, his steps, his figure,everything in him is not real. However he shows persons with real problems, like the three girls with bulimia or the guys in the meeting to talk about gay people, that makes the shooting very real.

9) Moreover, what's the main consequence of the realistic treatment he uses? What about the 'poetic' touches he instills throughout the film?

The realistic treatment of the topic makes the people aware of the problem from obtaining weapons to use them. The realistic aspect makes also the film fall into the cliché (a guy bullied decided to take revenge,etc.). However, the poetic touches make the difference. The viewer tries thank to the director to understand the killer John (even if it is impossible because as it is shown in one moment of the movie he is mentally unstable) and not hate him directly and that can disturb the viewer. The poetic touches also make the film unrealistic, for instance the fact that there are two guys seen as angels: Benny and John, one is more "real" than the other even if they have the same role (one inside the building and the other outside, they have to save the students). Benny is more spiritual than John who is more real with real problems (drunk father). Benny moves through the school as he was protected by something, his movements are not real, he is slow and the state of the school doesn't seem to affect him as if he were untouchable. Despite of his poetic movements and his appearence, he is killed by Eric in the corridor what makes the character leave the poetic world to enter the real one.

10) As a conclusion, what must we admit about the way in which the killing and the killers are perceived by the film viewers?

The killing was savage, is crazy how the filmdirector choose to film the shooting. Eric and Alex behave like nothing were at stake. Like if they were in a videogame. There is not a single trace of humanity in them, not a single sign of regret, fear or even any feeling. 
There are two killers each one of them represent one tipe of person as I already explained. Eric, the cliché one, is gross and feelingless, the viewer is unable to feel empathize,assimilate or identify with him. The second one is John, he seems to convince the public about his sensitivity but it always has an abrupt end like when he is playing the piano and suddenly he strikes it. 
The viewer is always trying to search for a reason and try to empathize with the fact that they suffered bullying for example. The viewer is usually in two minds because on the one hand even if we know Alex is the killer we want to find piety, a reason, something that can make us understand his pain, how he feels. However, on the other hand their vengeance went too far and the viewer is disturbed all along the movie because of this and we must added that we don't have enough images to emphatize or feel pity for them so it's impossible for the viewer not being disturbed by this. 

Sunday 1 May 2016

School shooting in the USA

First and foremost the Columbine High School massacre took place on April, 20th, 1999. Two young men injured 24 people and killed 15 more, including themselves. The situation was critique, people, in this desperate moment, could just have moral support between each others. At times like that, the human ties become stronger because this tragic event, concerns everyone of them.

Painting by Christina Leal found in pinterest
Families and friendship were broken forever because of two American High School seniors named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Apparently, they wanted to take revenge on the people they accused of picking on and snubbing them, so that they organized during almost a year the massacre. This thought can just born in a sick mind with no moral and ethic. Because is not possible that of an entire school, everybody hate them and even if they were besieged by one or two students, this is not a reason and it's obviously not the solution to try to kill the whole school because is not their fault.

The two killers have a diary, Both are hair-raising. We can find in there hateful messages to their class mates but also swastikas, or things written like "SS" or "KKK". Once again this shows that extremism is very dangerous  and we have to stop it before the worst happens.

  • One series that deals with school shooting is American Horror Story (season 1) where, Tate Langdon, one of the main characters, painted on skeleton, murders around 7 students in the library. Tate thinks they hate him but they didn't. After this episode his mind just deleted this chapter of his life. 

  • The USA is a heterogenous country with a lot of violence in the school from bullying to school shooting. Reasons are different,some people may think that this mix of cultures is a cause of harassment (Because usually people don't accept o don't like what is different or unusual for them). Bullying is always a ripple effect, people that suffered bullying usually get revenge doing bullying to others or in this extreme case: killing. The fact that others did bullying to them make them devalue life doing drugs, getting bad marks and even breaking the relationship with their parents. 
Pinterest Columbine catalogue

Saturday 26 March 2016

Individual Documents on 'Spaces & Exchanges' Notion

Cartoonist: Nickel, Scott
To begin with, I would like to point out that in our globalized world there are two types of spaces: virtual spaces and real spaces. I've chosen one document to represent each space. In the first place, I have picked a cartoon by Scott Nickel, to represent virtual spaces. Secondly, to represent real spaces I chose a pie chart that shows the percentages of the global warming emissions causes.

First, let's have a look at the cartoon where two characters are depicted: a woman and a man. They are in a deserted island. It seems to me that this cartoon satirizes the mythic question: "What would you take to a desert island?". Speaking personally, I would divide this cartoon in two parts. Firstly, the woman, that represents the "normal" doings of a person who would be in a desert island, she is confused and standing because she doesn't know what to do. However, and here comes the second part of the cartoon, the man has the solution and he says to comfort her: "It's okay, I can telecommute.". Obviously, the man is a humorous representation of today's society, completely connected, 24 hours per week, with the world.  And that even in a desert island he would be able to talk with the world because of the telecommuting (working at home by using a computer linked with the place of your employment.)

The other side of the coin is real space. From my point of view, I decided to illustrate the globalized world. The graph I have chosen is enough to prove that globalization EXCEPT FOR THE INTERNET causes global warming: Transport of goods because of outsourcing (CO2 emissions because of cars, trucks, trains, airplanes and shipping), burning fossil fuels (for electricity or to transport) acid rain, toxic waste, ozone hole (because of the overuse of transports, industry, etc.) and others.  As regards of the question of overexploitation, we can argue in favor or against, from my point of view I am completely against. I will base my mind with the example of “Beef City Feedlot” in Australia. Humans overproduce animals to eat and that level of production (around 26,500 head capacity, 800 hectare feedlot located 40 kilometers west of Toowoomba) triggers the overproduction of cereals in areas previously deforested (Deforestation is another cause of global warming)


This song is about the globalize world and the fact that the USA as a superpower has "conquered" with their culture (soft power)  the whole world: Disney, Coca-cola, etc. 

Lyrics in English:

We're all living in America,
America is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.

When I'm dancing, I want to lead,
even if you all are spinning alone,
let's exercise a little control.
I'll show you how it's done right.
We form a nice round (circle),
freedom is playing on all the fiddles,
music is coming out of the White House,
and near Paris stands Mickey Mouse.

We're all living in America...

I know steps that are very useful,
and I'll protect you from missteps,
and anyone who doesn't want to dance in the end,
just doesn't know that he has to dance!
We form a nice round (circle),
I'll show you the right direction,
to Africa goes Santa Claus,
and near Paris stands Mickey Mouse.

We're all living in America,
America is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
We're all living in America,
Coca-Cola, Wonderbra,
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.

This is not a love song,
this is not a love song.
I don't sing my mother tongue,
No, this is not a love song.

We're all living in America,
Amerika is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
We're all living in America,
Coca-Cola, sometimes WAR,
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.

Thursday 10 March 2016

SPACES & EXCHANGES: ¿Qué? A cartoon by Nate Beeler



The cartoon depicts three men, all of them are standing. We can clearly see in the picture,  the two men in the left interviewing and recording the man on the right.
Describing the scene more accurately from left to right, the first man we can see is a cameraman. He is holding a big camera focusing on the man of the right, it conceals his face with two microphones on top of it. In the camera there is a sticker on which it's written "TV NEWS". He is wearing a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a dark fleece vest. He wears normal jeans and sneakers. The camera cables are behind his back. In the back pocket he has a little machine.

The man in the middle is interviewing the man on the right. He is wearing a black suit, with a white shirt, a patterned tie and lace-ups shoes. He has a very big head, a flat top haircut and a smiling face. He is the tallest of them. He has a receiver earphone and he is holding a microphone on which it's written: "TV". He is saying: "We're here live with the 300 millionth american! How do you feel about this milestone, sir?". He seems to be very excited. 

The last man, is short and plump. He is wearing a cap, a sleeveless white dirty undershirt and jeans ripped at the bottom. He has no shoes. The man has chest hair and a moustache. Under his arm, he has a rolled sleeping bag, in the other hand he is carrying a paper bag full of objects. He has barbed wire clinging to his pants. He seems confused and he is saying "¿Qué?".


First of all, I would like to point out that the main idea of the cartoon is the fact that a big part of americans are immigrants and more particularly illegals, depicted by the man on the right of the cartoon who is a stereotyped Mexican. We can't deny that around 11 million immigrants have no documentation. There is no doubt whatsoever that this is a problem with several aspects. On the one hand, it may be asserted that firstly, it is a crime. and on the other hand,and speaking personally the most important issue, is the condition of immigrants that can be inhuman, they have not social security, their working conditions are not right most of the time, etc. Another aspect that must be emphasized is the hard journey that these illegal immigrants have had to make these illegal immigrants which is depicted by the barbed wire clinging to the pants of the man of the right that is obviously a Central American. This cartoon satirizes the fact that out of 300  million Americans, as is said in the cartoon, a large part are immigrants. Beeler proves it drawing a confused immigrant that just crossed the border and who has no idea of English.

3) How far does it illustrate the Spaces and Exchanges notion?

This document illustrates the notion of Spaces and Exchanges, in the first place because it depicts an illegal inmigrant arriving in the USA, after crossing countries and borders. Another way of looking is the fact that when someone immigrates he has to integrate in the culture and the customs of the country but in this case. Immigrants in USA are so many that instead of integrating the US customs, they share their culture (food, songs, etc.) and this is a kind of exchange, a cultural exchange.
And last but not least, I wonder about the fact that the media are also depicted in the cartoon which also shows a kind of exchange because it is information circulating around the USA but also around the world. Which means that the image of the immigrant will, as he did, cross countries and borders.

Saturday 30 January 2016


I think more and more people wear tattoos to remember where they came from, what they lived, what were thier choises, to have a reminder of persons or moments. Because wear a tattoo is telling a story of a life time or just a crazy moment. Because some people want to remember something, somebody, or anything, for ever. It's true that in today's society, tattoos have become a new fashion. But it's true that if you want something that you are happy enough to be permanently commited or tied for the rest of your life, then go ahead and get it. People don't just want to have a tattoo like a physical representation of something that left a scar on their heart but also for aesthetic reasons. We like to change, to take decissions, to build our personallity. And fashions, are also part of our life. And if somebody decides to have a tattoo done and then they stop liking it, this tattoo remains a reminder that you have changed and that you have to be proud of you.

It's not that unusual for young people to join a gang. Often the more excluded in society for any reason like being south american or afro-aferican, or they have family problems,etc. They want to feel they belong to something, they want to feel that they have a family or rather a surrogate family. They look for love or appreciation but usually that is not the result. One other reason why young people join a gang is the extreme facility to earn money by selling drugs or guns because of their high prices and the quantity of people that consumes or buy guns. Be in a gang it's be feared, stop following rules that are not your gang ones, have a social status and the most important, have easy money each day. 

In the gang society tattoos have a lot of meanings. Usually a gang member has a black teardrop tattoed just bellow the eye to represent the number of persons killed or how times you've being in jail. Ganster usually get plenty of tattoos, usually with the name of the gang or portraits of their family members because it's usually difficult keep the contact with your family and gang members really appreciate family ties. The more tattoos you have means the more money you have and for example with the teardrop tattoo, the more respect you have. In gangs when a person have no moral guilt or conscience it's when he starts being more respected and the tattoos can be a sign of the respect that the other gang members should have to you and often an identification mark.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

The draw of 'Dead Town'

Go there for a full version of the Newsweek article given out in class.

1-Gabriel Hinojos is a young man who is trying to leave the Florencia 13, "one of the largest gangs in Los Angeles". Gabriel Hinojos has been several times in jail, more precisely in the Folsom State prison were he got his teardrop tattooed just below the eye. He is very well known for leaving behind the gang life as "a kind of poster child" says Suzanne Smalley in her article.

2- "Ya Stuvo" is a "Tattoo removal center". In Spanish slang "Ya Stuvo" means "that's enough, I'm done with that". This is not the exact meaning of "Ya Stuvo" because the more exact translation is "it was already" but it is however a good translation because it is a tattoo removal center and what it is expected when you go there is to delete something of your skin you don't want to be there anymore, that's why it is called "Ya Stuvo" and why Suzanne Smalley and Evan Thomas translated it as "that's enough, I'm done with that".

3- Black teardrop is the tattoo done by some gang members when they have been in jail or when they have kill someone. This black teardrop is the center of the article because Gabriel Hinojos is trying to remove his black teardrop (done in the Folsom State Prison), a way to erase his past. There is in the whole article the comparison of "Getting out of a street gang in L.A. is about like getting a tattoo removed: slow, painful, scarring."

4- This sentence shows that Gabriel Hinojos keeps trying to remove his tattoos but also to amend his past. If it is the 45th session, we can think that he is completely cover of tatoos of the gang Florencia 13 and that he wants to completely rectify his life, present and future with no trace of his dark past.

5-"Getting out of a street gang in L.A. is about like getting a tattoo removed: slow, painful, scarring." l.16-17

6- "In street lore, a gang banger can never leave a really brutal gang (...) In practice a gang member can get out of a tough (...) if he has served time in prison and "done the work" But escaping it's extremely difficult." l.18 to 22.

7. In definitive, leaving a gang in very difficult, but it can be done, in theory. What the gang wants, in this case the Florida 13 is to have the work done. What means that even after being in jail you must finish your drug dealing or whatever mission the boss of the gang wants you to do. So you must hace served time in prison and finish your assignment because escaping is extremely difficult.

8. Escaping the pull of gang life is extremely difficult. Being a gang member it's being part of a collectivity. If you stay in the same city, your mates will always perform a pressure on the ex-member, because it is a style of life and these guys are used to adrenaline, to wield a gun, to be respected and dreaded and a person can't leave easily this way of living.

9. Gabriel started to be kind of famous because of his reputation as an ex-ganster. He is celebrating his achievement with luxury and elegance in the White House where he is with Laura Bush, the first lady celebrating this change with white wine. But has we have explain, leave a gang it's almost impossible and three days later Gabriel Hinojos returns to jail because of his mates or his works as ganster, we suppose.

10. In this photograph we can see Gabriel Hinojos in the tattoo removal center "Ya Stuvo" removing a tattoo of his neck. He is wearing protective glasses to prevent the laser hurting his eyes. We can see that it is a painful process because of his facial expression . His skin still covered in ink and the doctor is trying to remove all of it. This image illustrate very well the article because as I have explain in the third question, the fact that he is removing a tattoo is the center of the article. Suzanne Smalley and Evan Thomas compar leaving a gang with removing a tattoo (slow, painful and scarring) and that is why the article starts with this anecdote and why this photo was choose as cover.